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              2. 张家港恒瑞】制药机械々

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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              4. Products

                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                PAUT Top Suspended Scraper Fully Automatic Lower Discharge Centrifuge

                1、 Product Introduction
                The PAUT series centrifuge is suitable for washing and solid-liquid phase separation of suspension media containing solid particles, as well as solid-liquid phase separation of media containing crystalline solid phases, with a wide range of applications.
                2、 Product features
                1. Simple structure, smooth operation, good operation and shock absorption performance
                The upper suspended power direct connection structure ensures smooth operation with the transmission and drum rotation center overlapping with the machine center.
                The square box base and liquid damping shock absorber have a low center of gravity and excellent vibration reduction effect.
                Independent bearing seat, with a large bearing support span, low drum center of gravity, high load-bearing capacity, and good operational performance.
                Full load-bearing structure of the body: good rigidity, simple structure, and beautiful appearance.
                2. High efficiency and large processing capacity
                Large aspect ratio and large loading capacity.
                The material has a wide range of applications.
                3. Automatic control+multiple safety protection equipment for more reliable operation
                Fully automatic program control, reliable operation, and high security.
                Adopting variable frequency speed control transmission, the starting is stable and effectively protects the motor from overload.
                Multiple safety protection+infinite layered scraping control.
                4. Explosion proof, anti-corrosion, and pollution prevention
                Fully enclosed structure, direct connection between motor and spindle, no belt transmission, and no environmental pollution caused by friction dust.
                Can be equipped with a nitrogen protection device to achieve explosion-proof applications.
                Anti corrosion alloy materials and coatings can be selected for treatment.
                3、 Structural diagram

                4、 Product technical parameters

                model PAUT/AUT1250A PAUT/AUT1250B PAUT/AUT1320 PAUT/AUT1500 PAUT/AUT1600
                diameter(mm) 1250 1250 1320 1500 1600
                Drum volume(L) 281 450 490 653 900
                Maximum loading limit(Kg) 380 610 660 880 1200
                Drum rotational speed(R/min) 970 970 900 800 850
                separation factor(ω2r/g) 658 658 598 537 647
                power(kw) 22 30 30 37 45
                External dimensions(mm) 2100x2000x2235 2150x2000x2150 2000x1800x2600 2150x2100x2800 2050x1900x2600 2150x2100x2800 2450x2200x2800 2500x2500x2800
                machine weight(kg) 4200/3800 4800/4300 5000/4500 8500 10000