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              2. 张家港恒◆瑞制药机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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              4. About Us

                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market

                Zhangjiagang City HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional enterprise producing separation machinery and providing separation technologies. Our company was previously known as Zhangjiagang Pharmaceutical Machinery Factory. Since the development of centrifugal products in 2001, our company has formed an annual production capacity of more than 800 sets of Hengrui pharmaceutical machine products, and we started our export business since 2006. With the strong technical force, our company has capable equipment to manufacture LWL, LW, LWLZ, HR, LGZ, PLD and other series of centrifuges. Now, we produce more than 50 varieties and eight series of centrifuges, which are produced in strict accordance with national standards of GB / T13755-92, GB / T13756-92, JB / TQ619-90, JB / T8585-97, JB / T4335-91 and other standards, and the quality of our products meets ISO9001 international quality standards. Zhangjiagang City HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market. According to the development trend of foreign centrifuge products and market demand, our company is working for meeting customers' requirements. After years of efforts, our company has become a specialized manufacturer and technical service provider of centrifuges. Up to now, we have successfully had cooperation with numerous merchants from Japan, Korea, Russia, Southeast Asia and so on.


                Hengrui process-control technology
                We are committed to satisfying all customers in providing the most effective and economical solid-liquid separation solution. From the beginning of the project to the use of equipment, customers will benefit greatly from our experts, reliability of advanced technology, and high-quality process-control equipment.


                After 21 years, our engineers' deep experience comes from more than 2,000 products and 6,000 application examples. Hengrui process-control technology has accumulated rich experience. This extensive empirical knowledge supports our method and equipment recommendations, and everything gives priority to your special requirements in terms of economics and performance.


                The solution
                A solid-liquid separation application is not just an application of machine. We evaluate the whole process to see how best to combine mechanical and thermal components and peripherals into a system. So, we have ability to reduce the quantity of decomposing surface, optimize process and production operation, to avoid the happening of jet phenomenon and reduction of energy consumption.


                Technical support
                We provide extension after-sales service from the installation and maintenance of the operation to maintenance support. We will optimize your process, and give your staffs trainning.