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              2. 张家港恒☆瑞制药机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                PLD bag pulling scraper fully automatic unloading centrifuge

                1、 Product Introduction
                The PLD series products are intermittent batch processing and separation equipment. After unloading, the filter bags are in a regenerated state, with good filtration effect, high efficiency, and effective reduction of the impact of residual filter cake layer on material filtration performance. It avoids cross contamination of material separation, meets GMP and FDA requirements, and can achieve remote intelligent control, automated production, and online fault diagnosis.
                operational principle
                The material to be separated is added to the high-speed rotating centrifuge drum through the feed pipe. Under the action of the centrifugal field, the material is filtered through the filter cloth, and the liquid phase is discharged through the outlet pipe. The solid phase is intercepted in the drum. When the drum is filled with material, stop feeding and de liquid; Wash the filter cake while filtering out the washing solution. The centrifuge continues to rotate to spin dry the filter cake. After the filter cake meets the separation requirements, the centrifuge slows down and uses a scraper to scrape the filter cake down and discharge it from the bottom outside the machine. The centrifuge slows down again, and the pneumatic bag pulling device moves up and down to shake off the residual filter cake, achieving complete removal of the filter cake.
                2、 Product features
                1. smoother unloading
                The automatic scraping device has speed regulation and distance adjustment functions. The scraper adopts multiple structural designs such as double-edged blades (wear-resistant: alloy blades, wear-resistant coatings, etc.), optimizes cutting angles, reduces scraping resistance, and can choose layered scraping technology for harder materials.
                2. Smoother operation
                Adopting liquid damping vibration reduction technology and a non foundation installation form, it effectively reduces the vibration of the centrifuge and facilitates the installation and maintenance of the machine.
                The square box design of the base increases the weight of the chassis, reduces the center of gravity of the centrifuge, and reduces vibration speed.
                3. Quick replacement of filter bags
                The detachable drum liquid blocking plate design, self-locking and reliable, scientific filter cloth fixing module design (tightening device+quick installation structure), can quickly complete filter cloth replacement.
                4. Fully processed drum
                100% weld seam inspection, high processing accuracy, large filtering area, conducive to the filtration of ultrafine particles.
                2. Fully enclosed structure
                The material is completely isolated from the transmission, meeting the internal nitrogen protection of the equipment, effectively avoiding material pollution, and ensuring personnel safety.
                6. Multiple security protection and guarantee
                Equipped with over vibration protection, over current protection, temperature control protection, scraper in-situ protection, scraper stroke protection, cover opening protection, interlocking protection, scraper blockage protection, nitrogen protection, etc.
                3、 Structural diagram and principle

                1. Working principle
                The material to be separated is added to the high-speed rotating centrifuge drum through the feed pipe. Under the action of the centrifugal field, the material is filtered through the filter cloth, and the liquid phase is discharged through the outlet pipe. The solid phase is intercepted in the drum. When the drum is filled with material, stop feeding and de liquid; Wash the filter cake while filtering out the washing solution. The centrifuge continues to rotate to spin dry the filter cake. After the filter cake meets the separation requirements, the centrifuge slows down and uses a scraper to scrape the filter cake down and discharge it from the bottom outside the machine. The centrifuge slows down again, and the pneumatic bag pulling device moves up and down to shake off the residual filter cake, achieving complete removal of the filter cake.
                2. Explosion proof working principle
                The explosion-proof bag pulling centrifuge is made according to explosion-proof standards and undergoes a high flow nitrogen replacement before the centrifuge host is turned on. Ensure gas inertness inside the centrifuge through oxygen content detection, pressure detection, and other means to meet the operational requirements of the centrifuge. After the equipment is in operation, dynamically monitor the oxygen content, perform high flow nitrogen replacement or low flow low-pressure nitrogen supplementation to ensure the explosion-proof operation requirements of the equipment.
                3. Schematic diagram of the working process

                4. Centrifuge working process

                5. Nitrogen replacement and replenishment process

                6. Oxygen concentration in the centrifuge chamber

                7. Explosion proof process diagram of bag pulling centrifuge

                8. Explosion proof on-site application diagram of bag pulling centrifuge

                4、 Product technical parameters

                project model
                PLD800 PLD 1000 PLD 1250 PLD1360 PLD1600 PLD1800
                drum diameter(mm) 800 1000 1250 1360 1600 1800
                Effective height of drum(mm) 400 450 700 800 800 1100
                Effective volume of drum(L) 100 160 400 530 800 1250
                Maximum loading limit(kg) 140 215 500 680 1120 1750
                Drum rotational speed(r/min) 1200/1500 1000/1200 1000/1200 970/1150 850/1050 800
                filter area(m2) 1.0 1.41 2.47 3.41 4.0 6.22
                separation factor(ω2r/ ɡ) 645/1006 560/804 700/1006 715/1006 647/986 645
                power(kw) 7.5/11 11/15 22/30 30/37 37/55 55
                Overall weight(kg) 2000 3500 5000 8500 12000 17000
                External dimensions(mm) 1800×1300×2000 1950×1600×2100 2300×1800×2400/2700 2350×1900×2700 2980×2250×3000/3200 3300×2500×3850