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              2. 张家港恒瑞制药机◆械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                GKH siphon scraper fully automatic discharge centrifuge

                1、 Product Introduction
                GKH siphon centrifuge is a new product developed on the basis of ordinary horizontal scraper discharge centrifuge. This type of product utilizes the siphon principle to discharge the filtrate through a siphon or skimming device. By adjusting the liquid level depth at the suction port of the siphon (skimming pipe), the filtering driving force is changed, thereby adjusting the filtering speed, processing capacity, moisture content of the filter cake, and washing effect. Configure a backwash device to achieve filter cloth regeneration and increase separation efficiency; The filter cloth can be completely regenerated by using special configurations such as backwashing, strong washing, and siphoning.
                2、 Product features
                1. Horizontal structure: Floating platform shock absorption system, stable machine operation, low vibration noise.
                2. Rinsing device: It can reverse soak and rinse residual filter cake and filter medium, thereby achieving filter cloth regeneration.
                3. Pressure skimming device: suitable for separating materials containing proteins, colloids, and other substances.
                4. Siphon device: Hydraulic operation, fully automatic control, smooth operation. Three position control, capable of completing tasks such as separation, dehydration, and washing, with accurate angles and good repeatability.
                5. Door cover large angle design: Adopting a fully automatic hydraulic locking system, safe operation, more convenient maintenance, cleaning, and low labor intensity.
                3、 Structural diagram

                4、 Product technical parameters