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              2. 张家港〇恒瑞制药机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                GK horizontal scraper fully automatic discharge centrifuge

                1、 Product Introduction
                Product Description
                The GK horizontal centrifuge is a fully automatic filtration centrifuge that operates continuously, intermittently, and scrapes materials with a wide scraper at high speed. It can complete processes such as feeding, separation, washing, dehydration, unloading, and back blowing at full speed. Commonly used for washing and solid-liquid phase separation of suspension media containing solid particles. This product has high separation factor, short single cycle time, large processing capacity, and can obtain dry filter residue and good washing effect.
                Product configuration

                project configuration
                control mode PLC control, touch screen human-machine interface, and supporting electrical hydraulic actuator can achieve fully automatic remote control.
                safety protection Speed detection, over vibration protection, cover opening protection, overload protection, overheating protection, scraper action protection, nitrogen protection, electromechanical interlocking, etc.
                Discharge method Open chute discharge or integrated discharge with spiral conveyor scraper.
                Variable frequency braking Variable frequency control, energy consumption braking or energy feedback braking can be used for infinite speed regulation, energy conservation and environmental protection, and more reliable operation.
                Select Configuration Online cleaning system, nitrogen protection system, steel platform, hydraulic locking device, etc.
                Other customer requirements.

                2、 Product features
                The flange of the door cover and the base is designed with a dovetail groove structure, ensuring reliable sealing.
                Fully hydraulic locking door cover, double locking protection, reliable structure, and convenient operation.
                The fully enclosed explosion-proof structure design meets the GMP standards of the pharmaceutical industry and flammable and explosive places.
                Configure a material layer controller to effectively control material thickness, prevent overload operation, and prevent material leakage.
                Hydraulic drive, smooth unloading.
                Detachable hard alloy blade, wear-resistant and long-lasting.
                Spiral discharge, high cake collection rate, effectively preventing blockage.
                Supported by front and rear rolling bearings, it has high stiffness and low rotational resistance.
                The scraper bracket is welded and polished as a whole, with high structural strength, good rigidity, and smooth scraping.
                The service life can reach 30 years.
                High load-bearing capacity and good vibration reduction effect.
                Integrated structural design of the machine base, fully processed as a whole, safe and aesthetically pleasing.
                Coaxial machining of front and rear bearing supports, with high coaxial accuracy.
                The main shaft sealing sheath adopts ion coating technology, which is wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and has a long service life.
                Overall welding, stress relief, high strength, and good seismic resistance.
                Adopting multiple sealing structures such as lip seal, airtight seal, and labyrinth seal; The transmission seal is reliable.
                The transmission adopts a forced oil spray lubrication method, which has good lubrication and cooling effects.
                The spindle components are equipped with temperature measurement, speed measurement, vibration detection devices, etc., which can monitor the operation of the equipment in real time.
                3、 Product technical parameters