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              2. 张家港〗恒瑞制药机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                HR piston pushing centrifuge

                1、 Product Introduction
                The HR series piston push centrifuge is a filtering centrifuge with continuous feeding and intermittent discharging.
                Mainly composed of hydraulic system, pushing mechanism, base, casing, transmission, drum, and other components, it can achieve continuous feeding, separation, washing, unloading and other processes under full speed operation.
                operational principle
                The main motor drives the transmission device to operate at full speed, and the material is introduced into the inner drum through the feed pipe. Under the action of centrifugal force, it is evenly distributed on the filter screen wall of the inner drum. Liquid phase substances flow into the discharge pipe through the filter screen and drum wall holes, while solid phase substances are intercepted by the filter screen and form a filter cake layer inside the inner drum. The inner and outer drum rotate at the same speed, and under the push of the piston, the inner drum continuously moves axially back and forth. Under the push of the push plate, the material is discharged from the inner drum into the outer drum for further separation and formation of a circular filter cake layer. Under the reciprocating push of the outer end face of the inner drum, the outer drum is intermittently discharged and distributed out of the machine through the scraper groove.
                2、 Product features
                High separation factor, material can be dehydrated and washed in multiple layers, with good washing effect and low moisture content.
                Continuous operation, large processing capacity, high efficiency, and smooth operation.
                The mother liquor has a low solid content and can be mixed or separated from the washing solution for discharge.
                Low and uniform energy consumption.
                3、 Structural diagram