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              2. 张家港》恒瑞制药机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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              4. Products

                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                LLWZ horizontal settling spiral discharge filtration centrifuge

                1、 Product Introduction
                The LLWZ centrifuge is our company's independently developed flagship product, which perfectly combines the structural characteristics of settling centrifuge and filtering centrifuge. Especially suitable for working conditions with low solid content or small amounts of viscous substances in the mother liquor, it expands the application range of LLW centrifuges.
                The material liquid is driven by centrifugal force in the settling section for solid-liquid stratification, discharging most of the liquid or low-density viscous substances. The concentrated material is further dehydrated in the filtering section. Under the combined action of the dual dehydration mechanism, it can ensure that the solid phase moisture content meets the process design requirements.
                2、 Structural diagram

                3、 Product technical parameters