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              2. 张家港恒瑞制▃药机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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              4. Products

                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                PBZ flat plate direct connection discharge centrifuge

                1、 Product Description
                The PBZ series is a fully enclosed manual loading and unloading filter centrifuge designed according to GMP standards and environmental requirements, with a wide range of material applications. It has good applicability to suspensions with high temperature, high viscosity, small particle size, and various difficult to separate materials, such as fibrous materials, with a minimum separation particle size of 1 μ M. Due to its large separation factor, simple structure, and excellent performance, it is often selected as a testing machine by various research institutions.
                operational principle
                Under the action of centrifugal force, the material tends towards the drum wall, and the liquid phase passes through the filter holes on the drum wall through the filtering medium covered on the drum wall. It tends towards the inner wall of the shell and falls into the chassis, and is discharged through the liquid outlet. Solid phase materials are stored in the drum and can be thoroughly washed to complete solid-liquid separation. After stopping the machine, the outer shell flip cover is opened. After manual unloading is completed, the upper flip cover is closed and locked to start the next working cycle.
                2、 Product features
                Meets GMP standards: fully enclosed structure, effectively avoiding material contamination. Configuring the CIP online cleaning system can achieve comprehensive online cleaning.
                Large open lid structure, convenient unloading, and easy replacement of filter bags.
                Smaller footprint, convenient maintenance, low malfunctions, and longer service life.
                High separation factor and good separation effect.
                Lightweight structure, simple operation, low center of gravity, low vibration, and smoother operation.
                The grains are not easily broken and have a wide range of applications.
                Multiple safety protection configurations, variable frequency control, can achieve stepless speed change.
                3、 Structural diagram


                4、 Product technical parameters

                project model
                PBZ600 PBZ800 PBZ1000 PBZ1200 PBZ1250
                drum diameter(mm) 600 800 1000 1200 1250
                Effective height of drum(mm) 280 400 450 480 550
                Effective volume of drum(L) 40 100 160 270 360
                Maximum loading limit(kg) 60 140 215 350 480
                Drum rotational speed(r/min) 1500/1750 1200/1500 1000/1200 1000/1200 1000
                filter area(m2) 0.52 1.0 1.41 1.81 2.16
                separation factor(ω2r/ ɡ) 755/1027 645/1006 560/804 670/965 700
                power(kw) 3/4 5.5/7.5 7.5/11 15/18.5 18.5
                Overall weight(kg) 1000 1600 2000 3000 3200
                External dimensions(mm) 1100×1000×1150 1400×1400×1450 1500×1500×1520 1700×1700×1650 1800×1800×1750