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              2. 张家港恒瑞制药◤机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                PQFB clean flat plate discharge centrifuge

                1、 Product Introduction
                The PQFB series centrifuge is a sanitary solid-liquid separation equipment suitable for clean area production. It is widely used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, and fine chemicals. It has the characteristics of beautiful structure, high manufacturing process, smooth operation, and easy maintenance, which comply with GMP specifications and high hygiene standards
                2、 Product features
                1. Good corrosion resistance: The parts in contact with materials are made of stainless steel, corrosion-resistant alloys, or anti-corrosion coatings.
                2. Easy maintenance: With a fully flipped design and a flipping angle of>90 °, the entire drum is exposed, making it easy to clean and replace the filter cloth in all directions inside.
                3. Comprehensive online cleaning and disinfection: Equipped with a CIP online cleaning system, it can complete comprehensive cleaning and disinfection of the inner cavity, ensuring cleanliness requirements and complying with GMP standards.
                4. Advanced structural design: adopting a modular enclosed space structure design to avoid belt wear, dust, and external foreign objects causing pollution.
                5. Wide applicability and strong versatility: it can be used for the separation of solid-phase suspensions in granular form, as well as for the separation of fibrous materials.
                6. The grains are not easily broken
                7. Multiple safety protections: nitrogen protection system, liquid sealing device, gas sealing device, vibration protection, cover opening protection, overload protection, electromechanical interlocking, etc.
                3、 Structural diagram

                4、 Product technical parameters

                model drum diameter(mm) Drum volume(L) Maximum loading limit(Kg) Drum rotational speed(R/min) separation factor power External dimensions(mm) Overall weight(Kg)
                PQSB800 800 100 135 1200 645 5.5 1900x1350x1300 1800
                PQSB1000 1000 150 200 1000/1200 560/806 11/15 2050x1500x1350 2200
                PQSB1200 1200 200 280 960 620 15 2450x1700x1675 3200
                PQSB1250 1250 280 400 960 645 18.5 2450x1700x1675 3500