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              2. 张家港恒瑞制药机※械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                PSD flat lifting bag unloading centrifuge

                1、 Product Description
                The PSD type centrifuge adopts mechanical assisted unloading, which not only has the characteristics of high efficiency of fully automatic scraper centrifuges, but also has the advantages of wide applicability of upper unloading centrifuges. The product structure design is advanced, occupies a small area, has a low failure rate, and has a high cost-effectiveness.
                2、 Working principle
                Under the action of centrifugal force, the material tends towards the drum wall, and the liquid phase passes through the filter holes on the drum wall through the filtering medium covered on the drum wall. It tends towards the inner wall of the shell and falls into the chassis, and is discharged through the liquid outlet.
                The solid phase material is stored in the drum and can be thoroughly washed to complete solid-liquid separation. After stopping the machine, open the outer shell flip cover and use a dedicated lifting device to remove the filter bag to the discharge point
                After unloading, put the liquid blocking plate and filter bag back into the drum and lock the liquid blocking plate. Close the upper flip cover and lock it to start the next working cycle.
                3、 Product features
                1. Low labor intensity and high efficiency: Equipped with a hydraulic cantilever crane, it can perform mechanical unloading.
                2. The grains are not easily broken: special lifting tools are used for overall lifting and unloading.
                3. Easy replacement of filter cloth: unique quick detachable structure liquid blocking plate.
                4. Opening method: Hydraulic opening, mechanical assisted opening.
                5. Variable frequency control: Stable startup, adjustable separation factor.
                6. Smooth operation: The machine has a low center of gravity and adopts a liquid damping damping device. With low vibration, it can be equipped with various configurations such as material layer control device, atomization washing tube, CIP online cleaning system, explosion-proof mirror light, etc.
                7. It has multiple safety protections: nitrogen protection system, vibration protection, cover opening protection, overload protection, electromechanical interlocking, etc.
                3、 Structural diagram

                4、 Main technical parameters

                project model
                PSD800 PSD1000 PSD1200 PSD1250 PSD1500 PSD1600
                drum diameter(mm) 800 1000 1200 1250 1500 1600
                Effective height of drum(mm) 400 450 480 550 680 800
                Effective volume of drum(L) 100 160 270 360 600 775
                Maximum loading limit(kg) 140 215 350 480 800 1050
                Drum rotational speed(r/min) 1200/1500 1000/1200 1000/1200 1000/1200 850 800
                filter area(m2) 1.0 1.41 1.81 2.16 3.2 3.2
                separation factor(ω2r/ ɡ) 645/1006 560/804 670/965 700/1006 606 573
                power(kw) 7.5/11 11/15 15/18.5 18.5/22 30 37
                Overall weight(kg) 1500 1800 2600 2900 5800 6800