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              2. 张家@ 港恒瑞制药机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                SSC Three legged Settling and Unloading Centrifuge

                1、 Main performance
                1. SSC settling centrifuge is a three legged intermittent operation settling equipment, in which materials are added to a non porous drum from the top without the need for filter cloth. Under the action of centrifugal force field, heavier solid substances deposit on the drum wall to form a sediment layer, while lighter substances form an inner liquid ring. After clarification, the inner liquid phase can overflow from the drum by flipping over the liquid blocking plate, or can be led out of the drum by a skimming pipe during operation
                The solid phase is manually discharged from the upper part of the drum after shutdown.
                2. Suitable for separating suspensions containing fine particles of solid phase, high viscosity, low concentration, difficult regeneration of filter media, and suspension with a solid phase density greater than that of liquid phase.
                3. The centrifuge brake device can use three braking methods: holding brake, expansion brake, and frequency converter brake. The foundation can be divided into two ways, with a foundation and without the need for pouring a foundation (equipped with shock absorbers).
                2、 Structural diagram

                3、 Main technical parameters