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              2. 张家港恒瑞∩制药机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                SS three legged manual loading and unloading centrifuge

                1、 Main features
                1. Three legged manual loading and unloading centrifuge; The overall structural design is reasonable, the transition of the structural components is smooth, and the surface is polished. The external structural components, fasteners, and drum can all be made of customer selected materials (stainless steel, titanium, carbon steel, lined with rubber, lined with plastic, lined with PTFE, etc.).
                2. Drive method: ordinary asynchronous motor, explosion-proof asynchronous motor, or variable frequency explosion-proof motor. There are two types of motor installation: B3 and B5.
                3. Three legged manual loading and unloading centrifuge, with strong versatility and wide applicability. It is suitable for separating suspensions containing solid particles ≥ 0.01 millimeters. Solid particles can be in the form of granules, crystals, or fibers, and can also be used for dehydration of finished items (such as yarn bundles, textiles, etc.).
                4. The centrifuge brake device can use three braking methods: holding brake, expansion brake, and frequency converter brake. The foundation can be divided into two ways, with a foundation and without the need for pouring a foundation (equipped with shock absorbers).
                5. There are several concerns about using variable frequency starting for centrifuges, such as: (1) adjustable separation factor; Non contact energy consumption braking system; (2) Anti static belt transmission.
                2、 Main technical parameters