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              2. 张家港恒◥瑞制药机械

                Zhangjiagang HengRui Pharmaceutical Machinery

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                HengRui is a specialized manufacturer of centrifuges. Based on China, we work hard to expand our business into global market


                LGZ vertical scraper fully automatic discharge centrifuge

                1、 Product Introduction
                The LGZ series centrifuge is a fully automatic centrifuge with scientific structural design, high technical content, large processing capacity, and convenient operation and maintenance. Suitable for particles with a diameter of 10 μ The solid-liquid separation of fibrous, suspension, high viscosity, fine particle size, toxic, flammable and explosive materials with a solid content of 5% to 40% in millimeters has the characteristics of sterile hygiene, closed explosion-proof, and multiple safety protection. It can operate in high-altitude conditions and has been widely used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, new energy, and food.
                2、 Working principle
                The lower discharge centrifuge of the scraper is a vertical fully automatic filtering centrifuge. The motor drives the drum to rotate at high speed through a belt, and the materials to be separated are controlled by a pre programmed program and enter the high-speed rotating centrifuge drum through the feeding system. Under the action of centrifugal force field, the material is filtered through the filtering medium (filter cloth/filter), the liquid phase is discharged from the machine through the outlet pipe, and the solid phase is intercepted in the drum. The material detection device detects the filling position of the material in real time, and stops feeding when the filter cake in the drum reaches the specified loading amount of the machine. Then wash and shake dry the filter cake. After the filter cake meets the requirements for dehydration, the centrifuge decreases to the scraping speed, and the scraper device scrapes the filter cake under hydraulic (pneumatic) control and discharges it through the discharge port at the lower part of the centrifuge.
                3、 Product features
                1. smoother unloading
                The automatic scraping device has speed regulation and distance adjustment functions. The scraper adopts multiple structural designs such as double-edged blades (wear-resistant: alloy blades, wear-resistant coatings, etc.), optimizes cutting angles, reduces scraping resistance, and can choose layered scraping technology for harder materials.
                2. Smoother operation
                Adopting liquid damping vibration reduction technology and a non foundation installation form, it effectively reduces the vibration of the centrifuge and facilitates the installation and maintenance of the machine.
                The square box design of the base increases the weight of the chassis, reduces the center of gravity of the centrifuge, and reduces vibration speed.
                3. Quick replacement of filter bags
                The detachable drum liquid blocking plate design, self-locking and reliable, scientific filter cloth fixing module design (tightening device+quick installation structure), can quickly complete filter cloth replacement.
                4. Fully processed drum
                100% weld seam inspection, high processing accuracy, large filtering area, conducive to the filtration of ultrafine particles.
                2. Fully enclosed structure
                The material is completely isolated from the transmission, meeting the internal nitrogen protection of the equipment, effectively avoiding material pollution, and ensuring personnel safety.
                6. Multiple security protection and guarantee
                Equipped with over vibration protection, over current protection, temperature control protection, scraper in-situ protection, scraper stroke protection, cover opening protection, interlocking protection, scraper blockage protection, nitrogen protection, etc.
                4、 Structural diagram

                1.Damping damper

                2.Discharge pipe


                4.Transmission assembly

                5.Offline cleaning

                6.Slash plate feeder

                7.Flip cover

                8.Online cleaning

                9.feed pipe

                10.Washing tube

                11.Scraper assembly

                12.Flipping oil cylinder

                13.Main motor

                14.discharge hopper

                5、 Product technical parameters

                model drum diameter Drum volume Maximum loading limit(Kg) Drum rotational speed(R/min) separation factor power External dimensions(mm) Overall weight(Kg)
                LGZ/PGZ800 800 100 135 1200/1500 645/1006 7.5/11 1800x1200x2045 1800
                LGZ/PGZ1000 1000 150 200 1000/1200 560/806 15 2000x1500x2150 2700
                LGZ/PGZ1250 1250 280/400 400/500 900 567 22 2400x1800x2047 4500
                LGZ/PGZ1500 1500 600 800 850 606 37 2900x2100x2700 7800
                LGZ/PGZ1600 1600 775 1000 850 647 37 3000x2200x2700 8500
                LGZ/PGZ1800 1800 1000 1200 800 645 45 3260x2300x2100 12000